Partner for investments in industry & trade

We are active in sectors where qualified employees and capacity utilization are crucial


Active participations


Experts in the network


Project countries


for investors:






for investors:





By train to your destination

We do not remain in the concept phase, but focus on implementation. With our systematic and efficient way of working, we create trust and integrate ourselves into your teams.

We believe in performance-based partnershipswhere our Success is connected to yours.

We do not linger in the concept phase, but focus quickly on implementation. With our systematic and efficient way of working, we achieve quick results and build trust.

M-Flows in practice: Our investments

We take an entrepreneurial approach and invest our own capital. For larger projects, we involve investors from our network.

Mobile document destruction on site

International expansion of a medium-sized player

Installation group for
Windows, doors and sun protection

Group of companies in the skilled crafts sector

M-flows in brief

We act as entrepreneurs.

All our employees work entrepreneurially and invest their own capital in projects that we believe in.

We know what it takes to bring ideas and projects to life.

We bring together transformative concepts and unique teams to further develop existing business models.

We work close to the operation.

We work with companies in the areas of production, logistics and operational services (especially trade).

We are very familiar with the private equity sector.

We create concepts and work with investors to turn them into a feasible framework.

Our focus

Our projects have one thing in common: we work with investors and entrepreneurs over a long period of time to achieve ambitious goals.

Overarching topics

Project example

Together with an investor, we are currently building up a group of companies in the field of window, door and sun protection installation. The focus is particularly on identifying and utilizing the strengths of individual members in the group. We provide support in approaching new member companies and in selected strategic topics.

Overarching topics

Project example

Our partner is the market leader in Denmark for document destruction for business customers. A premium service offering ensures a clear differentiation from competitors. Together with our partner, we have established a German business unit to significantly expand the customer base through acquisition activities and partnerships. We are leveraging synergies with the home organization and gradually building up a local infrastructure.

Overarching topics

Project example

Project management for the implementation of measures to increase productivity in a company whose business relies heavily on the engineering skills of its employees. The basis for this is the creation of transparency in the cost base and the progress of individual projects.

Get to know us - without obligation and uncomplicated

Our global reach

Geographically, we concentrate on the DACH region and the Nordics, but occasionally we also accompany our partners worldwide.


Our partner network

We maintain partnerships with leading investors.

Working together as equals is particularly important to us. This allows us to remain authentic and live up to our own standards.

Active participations
Experts in the network
0 +
Project countries
0 +

Moving more together

Get in touch with us. We look forward to getting to know you and working with you.


+49 170 614 9333



Agnesstraße 64, 80797 Munich

Contact us